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    Top Three Dangers of a Leaking Roof

    Top Three Dangers of a Leaking Roof

    Top Three Dangers of a Leaking Roof

    Worried about your leaking roof? The most obvious sign that your roof is leaking is an unsightly water stain on a ceiling or interior wall – but there are far worse problems that can arise if left unresolved.

    Damage to Framing – A chronic roof leak will likely lead to the corrosion of the roof framing, rafters, joists and much more.  Once the structural integrity of your home is compromised you will end up paying a lot more in repairs than it would have cost to just get a new roof!

    Mold – If a leak is left unfixed you could be welcoming mold or mildew into your home. With mold comes the possibility of health issues.

    Electrical Fire – You will want to hire an electrician to check out any wiring that was exposed to water intrusion to ensure there is no risk of an electrical fire.

    Ready to replace that leaking roof? Give us a call and we’ll get you a free quote!