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    3 Things Every Homeowner Should Do

    Your home is a big investment that requires a lot of care and maintenance.  Here, we highlight a few things everyone should do for their home to keep it safe, efficient and protected.

     home photo

    1.  Take Pictures: Photograph all valuables and your home’s exterior.  Along with making a list of your jewelry, electronics, and other valuables, you should take pictures of each item in case of theft, fire or flooding.  It’s also a good idea to photograph your home’s exterior siding, windows and roof twice a year.  The pictures will be useful if your home is damaged by a storm.  Be sure to keep the photos in a fireproof safe or safe deposit box.

    2.  harvey_tribute_vinyl_windowCut Energy Consumption: Reducing energy usage is an easy and eco-friendly resolution for your home.  Invest in a programmable thermostat, or even better, a “smart” thermostat that you can control with an app on your phone.  If you forget to turn the heat down you can do it from anywhere.  Also, consider replacing drafty windows with ENERGY STAR® windows and switch to ENERGY STAR® rated light bulbs and electronics.

    3.  Improve Air Quality:  Proper ventilation and air exchange in your home is the key to improving indoor air quality.  Venting your kitchen range hoods, bathrooms, clothes dryer, roof, attic and more can help increase air quality.  You should also have your home tested for radon and invest in carbon monoxide detectors for bedrooms.  Fuel burning appliances should be inspected annually to check for leaks.   Also, avoid using toxic household cleaners and try using natural air fresheners such as dried Lavender.

    helpful_homeowner_tipsResolve to make your house a Care Free home.  For more inspiration, check out our Helpful Homeowner Tips or Organization ideas on Pinterest!