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    Avoid Hiring a Bad Home Improvement Contractor

    Avoid Hiring a Bad Home Improvement Contractor

    Avoid hiring a bad home improvement contractor by looking out for these warning signs!

    • No Insurance or Contractor’s license is a big red flag when it comes to home improvements. Having an unlicensed and/or uninsured contractor work on your home puts you at risk to be named liable if there are any workers injured on your property.
    • No credentials is an indication that the contractor hasn’t invested in professional training and certifications to stay current with changing products and installation methods.
    • Providing guesstimates/phone quotes/drive by mailbox quotes is bad practice for many reasons. As an educated consumer it’s important to understand what will be included in the job price as well as getting a chance to learn about the company you’re working with.
    • Asking for a large amount of money down shows financial insecurity in a contractor. A stable business should be able to wait for payment until the job is completed to the customers’ satisfaction.
    • No written contract is a warning sign to take very seriously. A contract should include 14 items as laid out by to best protect all parties involved.
    • Unable to Provide References of work done or show portfolio photos might mean that the contractor isn’t proud of his work. Ask for addresses of work completed if you want to see the true quality of their workmanship.

    Don’t take any risks when hiring a home improvement contractor. Take time to choose a top-notch contractor for your biggest investment.