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    Care Free Proud to Sponsor Fairhaven Sole Sisters!

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    We are proud to be a sponsor of the Sole Sisters for the Fairhaven Father’s Day 5K this Sunday, June 15, 2014!

    Sole Sisters, a physical and emotional wellness program for girls, promotes healthy lifestyles and a positive self image through long distance running.   Over 175 students from the East Fairhaven Elementary School, Wood Elementary School, Hastings Middle School, and Fairhaven High School participate. Care Free Homes joined Roland’s Tire and Days Sports as sponsors to ensure all runners received their race day t-shirts free of charge. Each shirt features the new Sole Sisters logo, designed pro-bono by Franchise Studios.  Care Free Homes’ Nathan and Stephanie Pickup will both be coaching/running with two of their daughters and the Sole Sisters this Sunday at the race!  Good luck to all of the runners!