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    Energy Saving Home Improvement Products

    Investing in energy saving home improvement products can help you save money while making your home more sustainable. Consider these products and green options for your home.

    energy efficient roofing shingles









    Cool Roofs: GAF Timberline Cool Series Roof Shingles will help keep your home cooler during the hot summer months. Reflective shingle technology will reduce attic temperatures– which means spending less on air conditioning costs. Depending on your specific property, geography, and the season, a cool roof may save you between 7-15% of total cooling costs. Cool Series Shingles use specially designed roofing granules that have greater reflectance than traditional shingles. This results in less transfer of heat to the space below—to keep you cooler in the summer. A cool roof minimizes the solar heat gain of a building by first reflecting incoming sun rays and then by quickly re-emitting the remaining absorbed portion. As a result, the cool roof stays cooler than a traditional roof.

    energy efficient harvey window










    Thermal Windows: Replacing your old windows with energy efficient thermal windows can help you save on energy bills. These windows generally have 2 or 3 panes of glass which has insulating Argon gas between each pane. In hot summer months the thermal window prevents most of the sun’s heat from affecting your indoor temperature. In cold winter months, the windows will keep your heat from escaping your home. Our favorite thermal window is the Harvey Building Products line of vinyl windows.

    energy efficient siding







    Insulated Siding: Mastic Home Exteriors offers the Structure Home Insulation System™ to improve your home’s energy efficiency and lower your energy needs. The insulating power is much greater than other cladding options because it has a higher R-value – the higher the R-value the greater the insulating power.

    energy efficient door








    Fiberglass Doors: Therma-Tru offers a beautiful line of fiberglass entry doors that have a solid polyurethane foam core for increased energy efficiency. Their entry and patio doors are made with energy-efficient glass that is triple-paned for reduced heat flow. Therma-Tru doors and glass work together with weatherstrip to create a tighter seal which results in reduced air leakage around door edges.

    Find more energy efficient home products and ideas on our Care Free Sustainability Pinterest Board!