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    How to Check for Air Leaks

    How to Check for Air Leaks

    Drafts from windows and doors can account for 30% energy loss! That’s why it is important to check your home for any air leaks. Taking the time to go around your home and checking anywhere there could be a potential leak can save you money yearly on your utility bills. Here is how to check for air leaks.

    1. Check your doors, windows, attic, basement, crawl spaces, and home exterior for any cracks or gaps.
    2. Choose a windy day to hold a lit candle up to the window and door frames. If the flame moves then a draft is coming in.
    3. Place a piece of paper underneath doors and windows and close them shut. Pull the paper out from underneath. If you can pull the paper out without ripping it then there is room for an air leak.  
    4. Get a home energy assessment. It’s a free assessment of your home’s energy efficiency. The assessor will give you a custom report and advice on how to deal with air leaks as well as other things in your home that can be wasting energy. To find out more information check out the Mass Save website.  

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