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    Spring Feng Shui Tips from Feng Shui Master Megan Pogash

    Spring Feng Shui Tips from Feng Shui Master Megan Pogash

    Guest Blog for Care Free Homes by Megan Pogash, Feng Shui Master

    Did you know that Feng Shui (which means wind and water in Chinese), begins at one’s front door? Chi (energy), is most advantageous when circulating gently. Beneficial, flowing chi is felt in calm spaces (free-from too many angular, jagged, distracting, jumbled pieces of furniture, photographs, paintings, and unbalanced colors in the room etc.). This Spring, why not treat yourself or a loved one to the gift of a peacefully arranged space? Here are some tips!

    Yes, it is actually, finally Spring! Our hearts are soaring with the energizing, warm weather and the scents of the magnificent trees and flowers blossoming, as well as  the sight of seeds starting to sprout. So, it is the perfect time to boost your “curb appeal” and display delightful plants.  Chi typically circulates from the outside into our homes through the doorway, the “Mouth of Chi”, so, creating a lovely winding pathway leading toward the door, is an excellent way to begin to boost the beneficial chi at your door.

    Who is not moved by the beauty of a rainbow? When selecting your plants, use a balance of all colors of a rainbow as your guide. Even if your pathway is straight, by simply staggering some bountiful, bold, cheery colorful flowers in pots along the way (just outside the edge of the path), the eye will view the path as curved, and the body will slow down and linger, enjoying the walk toward the door, and the wonder of the front yard, that much more. The brain will slow down (in a good way!) and the person approaching your home will have an increased boost of peaceful love in their hearts.

    Are you looking for some specific planting ideas? I have found that geraniums are a pretty hardy annual. If your home faces North however, I would recommend staying in the cool tones (for example blues and purples) for potted plantings leading to your door this year. It has to do with the energy location which changes with the zodiac each Chinese New Year.

    While you are at your front door, take a look at your doormat. Despite our best efforts, let’s face it, our doormats work hard for us, and the results of wear and tear show so easily. Why not replace that too, boosting your happiness at the front door (and the pleasant feelings of all inhabitants and visitors alike). Such seemingly small adjustments (just like any positive habit that we want to cultivate), truly do make a positive impact.

    Love is the best energy there is. I hope you are filled with a calm, loving kindness throughout your Feng Shui planting experience. I hope these simple Feng Shui tips improve the positive chi and wellness in your home.

    Megan Pogash is a Feng Shui Master assisting entrepreneur and residential clients with Classical Chinese Feng Shui Analysis Recommendations here on the SouthCoast and along the North East. Contact her and let her know your positive experiences: or 508-263-0897. Visit her website for more information about consultations and workshops and sign up for her tips on her blog:
    Photo Credit: Christopher W Almeida